
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra

Daniel's first recording with a major orchestra was with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra who performed Stealing the Night. Later they performed Touch the Himalayas and Sakura Prelude. Pictured above is Daniel with Paul Bateman who conducted and played piano for both pieces. Paul has been the pianist for many of Daniel's recordings.

Royal Philharmonic : Composer Daniel Fisher, debut album Places Far Away

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays Touch of the Himalayas and Sakura Prelude at Abbey Road Studio 1.

Royal Philharmonic : Composer Daniel Fisher, debut album Places Far Away

The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra plays Stealing the Night at Abbey Road Studio 2. Sixty-Five musicians performed in this recording.. As you can see from the photo, this studio was very crowded. But the orchestra played beautifully.